Grey Fox Games
4690 Tradeport Industrial Ct
Suite 900
Hazelwood, MO 63042
We're happy to answer any questions you may have about our games, and help you with any issues you may have. Please be as specific as possible to help us handle your request as efficiently as possible.

If you are reaching out about a crowdfunding project (Kickstarter/Gamefound), please note which project as well as the email address associated with your account on that platform.

If you are reaching out about an order on our website, please note your order number.

If you are reaching out about a component issue, please be sure to indicate which game you're reaching out about and your exact component that you're having trouble with (be as precise as possible). In any case, please include your mailing address for our reference and confirmation.

We try to respond to all submissions within a few business days, but please allow a bit more time if you submit your form over a weekend or holiday. Thank you for your interest and support of Grey Fox Games!

If you are reaching out about products for review, please be sure to include the relevant information that will allow us to evaluate your request properly.