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The way of the warrior is known as Bushido. It is a code that guides the life of a warrior, and promotes values of sincerity, frugality, loyalty, and honor. It also requires the mastery of martial arts.
Bushido is a two-player head-to-head board game using a combination of cards and dice. The game takes place in three major phases: training, arming and the duel.
During training, players take turns drafting technique cards from five schools (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Shadow), to create a five card hand for the fight. After both players have finished training, combatants will secretly select their weapon of choice.
Next it’s time for the duel itself. On a turn, fighters will attack and defend simultaneously using dice and special tokens. Players can play a technique card from hand and roll the dice associated with it in addition to any from the guard they’re currently in and their weapon. Alternately, players can change their guard to pick up previously played technique cards. The player who brings their opponent to zero health first is declared the winner.
Players |
2 |
Game Length |
20 - 30 Minutes |
BGG Complexity |
2/5 |
Where to play it online |
N/A |
Rulebook |
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